Overweight is an important social and medical problem. Excess weight significantly impairs the quality of life, reduces its duration and contributes to the development of various diseases. There are many reasons for the appearance of excess body weight - a sedentary lifestyle, stress, alcohol intake. But more often, malnutrition leads to the formation of extra pounds. On the eve of summer, for most women, the topic of weight loss is becoming more topical than ever. Many ladies are concerned about the question of how to lose weight in a month so as not to harm their health.

Is it possible to lose weight in a month
There are many ways to get rid of excess weight, ranging from various diets to drug treatment and surgery. However, in most cases, a properly chosen diet and increased physical activity are sufficient. Then the question of whether it is possible to lose weight within a month will be resolved quickly.
At the heart of any weight loss method are the principles of healthy and proper nutrition. Many mistakenly believe that it is fasting that allows you to achieve the most effective results in the process of fighting excess weight. In fact, a complete rejection of food in the future leads to a set of even more pounds. By experiencing stress once, the body will store twice as much fat, expecting a repetition of a similar situation.
Is It Really Possible To Lose Weight In A Month? First of all, you should know that the process of removing excess body weight should not be done by restricting food intake, but by changing diet patterns. A balanced diet and adherence to the daily regimen will help you achieve the desired results quickly without compromising your health.
The basic principle of losing weight is to expend more energy than you gain. Then the body will spend its reserves - fat, which was specially stored for such "extreme" cases. To lose excess weight, you need to reduce your daily calorie intake to 1200-1500 kcal. Or balance your diet to meet the norm, but make sure you add physical activity. This will help you lose a few pounds in a short time without drastic changes in your diet.
However, once you have decided the question of how to lose weight in a month, you do not need to stop here. It is important not only to achieve a certain result, but also to keep it for a long time.
How to lose weight in a month
Many women say, "I want to lose weight in a month! " But they do not always know how to do it properly. Meanwhile, not all weight loss methods are safe for health. Many of them are extreme and can be harmful to health. Therefore, deciding to lose weight in a short time, first of all, you need to know how to lose weight correctly. In a month you can achieve significant results, without strict diets and without visiting the gym. To do this, just follow a few recommendations:
- Follow your daily routine and diet.This is one of the main points of the question, how to lose weight in a month. Excess weight disappears much faster when you eat, exercise, wake up and go to bed are strictly on schedule. At the same time, food should be taken at least five times a day, at regular intervals. Breakfast should be heavy, followed by lighter meals throughout the day. It is necessary to eat dinner no later than 4-5 hours before bedtime, so that calories have time to return to energy and are not set aside "in reserve";
- Drink more water.This is another secret on how to lose weight in a month. Reviews of many people who try to get rid of excess body weight show that often due to lack of fluids there is a feeling of hunger. However, instead of drinking a glass of mineral water or a cup of tea, most people start looking for something to eat. At the same time, snacks are not always made with products that promote weight loss;
- Replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones.One of the highlights of how to lose weight in a month. When planning to lose weight, you need to forget some foods forever. Bread made from wheat flour, sweets and sausages, smoked meats, pasta, mayonnaise, sweet and carbonated drinks, all types of fast food should be excluded from the diet, limit the use of potatoes and cereals. Instead, you should eat as many vegetables, fruits, dairy products, boiled or steamed meats, fish;
- Give up alcohol.Even if alcoholic beverages are rarely consumed, to lose weight, alcohol must be completely abandoned. Vodka, beer, wine contain calories, in addition, drinking alcohol implies the presence of food, and in a state of intoxication, appetite increases;
- Replace dishes.This psychological technique, surprisingly, works very effectively. If you use a smaller plate, you can significantly reduce the amount of food consumed;
- Introduce physical activity.Sports are very important for those who say they want to lose weight within a month. Exercise helps to expend energy, to tighten muscles, to make the silhouette slimmer. Particularly effective are outdoor activities - cycling, jogging or just walking. You can do special exercises for weight loss.
You should also know that you need to lose excess weight slowly, no more than a pound a week. At the same time, the result obtained during weight loss will be better regulated and health will not be harmed.
How to lose weight in a month, reviews
How to lose weight in a month? As evidenced by the reviews of people who managed to significantly reduce their weight in a short time, following simple rules helped them in this. Moreover, they not only managed to get rid of excess weight, but also formed new "healthy" habits for themselves. What are these rules that will help you lose weight effectively?
- The process of losing weight should be handled responsibly and you should not let anyone deceive you. Better yet, find a good motivation to lose weight and strive for your goal, no matter what;
- Develop a balanced diet for yourself, eat only natural and freshly prepared foods, without semi-finished products and substitutes;
- Eat only at strictly defined hours;
- It is better to eat as often as possible, but little by little, than once or twice and large portions;
- Once a week, you can arrange a day of fasting for yourself. Many reviews say that such days allow you to cleanse the body of toxins;
- Sleep should be at least 7-8 hours, this contributes to normal metabolism;
- You need to move more and breathe fresh air;
- Limit salt intake.
In addition, any weight loss program should include exercise so that weight loss occurs through fat burning, and not by reducing muscle mass. Following all the above recommendations, there will be no more questions whether it is realistic to lose weight within a month.